
Showing posts from July, 2018

Tech Talk 2 : The Internet

We have been talking about various things on this blog for a while now, but do you know what makes this information reach out to you ? Do you really know what Internet is ? Internet is global network of interconnected computers that use Internet suite protocol TCP/IP to link devices world wide. It uses telephone lines, cables, satellites and wireless connections to connect computers to World Wide Web. Data Transmission Internet is a lot like the postal service. Instead of posts, information is transmitted. This information is in form of bits. Bits signifies a pair of opposites. Like on or off, high or low, 1 or 0. We add a clock to it to keep a track of these bits. There are three ways to communicate this data. The first being Electricity. Imagine the on and off of a light bulb. Lets say we transmit 1 bit per second. If the light bulb is on for 2 seconds and then gets turned off for 1 second, we say the data is 110. An example of this type of transmission is the Ethernet cable w...

Getting Started with NodeMCU ( ESP8266 )

Till now we have been talking about Arduino and stuff related to it. In this post we will be talking about another type of micro-controller i.e. NodeMCU. It is a wifi module chip which can be connected to internet for IoT ( internet of things ) projects. Introduction NodeMCU is a open-source IoT platform. It has the firmware which works on ESP8266 WiFi Soc and hardware which is based on Esp-12 module. Soc ( System of chip ) is an integrated circuit which integrates all the components of a computer. It uses the LUA scripting language. There are two ways to program it. One is with ESPlorer IDE using the Lua scripts. Another is using the Arduino IDE. All you need to do in the IDE is : File ->  Preferences -> Enter   -> OK Tools -> Boards -> Board manager -> Install ESP8266 boards ESP8266 The ESP8266 is a 32-bit low-cost Wi-fi microcontroller produced by Chinese manufacturer, E...

Serial Communication : I2C

Hey there ! In the last two posts we talked about the the types of serial communication which were UART and SPI. In this post we are going to talk about another type of serial communication which is the Inner-Integrated Circuit or I2C. The barometric pressure sensors and gyroscopes/accelerometers use this kind of protocol. Introduction to I2C I2C is also called Two Wire Interface (TWI) since it requires only two wires for communication. It was developed by Philips in 1982. With it, we can connect multiple slaves to a single master ( like SPI ) and multiple masters to a one or more slaves. SDA : Serial Data - The line for the master and slave to send and receive data. SCL : Serial Clock - The line that carries clock signals. If we look at Uno, pin A4 is for SDA and pin A5 is for SCL. Just like SPI, the data transfer is synchronous i.e. the timing of the output and sampling of bits takes place with a clock signal shared by the master and the slave. Each device can be a mast...

Serial Communication : SPI

In the last post we discussed UART , which was a type of serial communication between devices. In this post we are going to talk about another type of serial communication which is SPI. SPI communication is used by a number of devices like the RFID card reader, SD card module, etc. Introduction to SPI SPI stands for Serial Peripheral Interface. It was developed by Motorola in 1979. Device communicating via SPI are in master-slave relationship. The master as the name suggests is the controlling device and the slave is the one who takes instruction from the master. There can a number of slaves under one master. MOSI : Master Output Slave Input - Line for master to send the data to the slave. MISO : Master Input Slave Output - Line for slave to send data to the master. SCLK : Clock - Line for the clock signal SS/CS : Slave select/Chip Select : Line for the master to select the slave to send data to. So, at least four wires are required for this communication. More...