Serial Communication - UART

Many of you would be aware about two types of communications : Serial and Parallel. Coming to Arduino, it communicates with computers or other devices using serial communication. In this type of communication, data is transmitted between two devices one bit at a time. The most common type of serial communication is UART. Introduction to UART UART stands for Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter. It takes bytes of data and transmits it in a sequential fashion. At destination, a second UART re-assembles these bits into complete bytes. The communication may be simplex ( one direction only), full duplex ( both devices send and receive at the same time), half-duplex ( device takes turns to transmit and receive). For UART communication we need COM ( for communication ) ports. But modern computers does not include them and we need external serial to USB converter when using other micro-controllers. Arduino has an on board serial to USB converter so we can directly connect it to...